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Message Given by: Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception
Public Seer: Rose Petal
Given at: The Immaculate Conception Spiritual Centre,
Kalulini, Kitui, Kenya
Date: 11-March -2022
Time: 2:22pm
Beneficiary: Public
Theme: It is a grievous sin, and I say this as the Mother of God, for My Divine Son’s Body and Blood to be handled on those filthy and dirty hands in all the churches in the world… Those who touch My Son’s Body and Blood, unworthily, receive a condemnation and a judgment.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen.†
My child Rose Petal, and all My other beloved children of My Immaculate Heart, it is I your Mother Mary of the Immaculate Conception. I have come, and I have been here for quite some time. It’s My desire My children that you change your hearts to be filled with love of God and love one another. I am your Mother and My child Rose Petal is a spiritual Mother to all My children of light, in Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Africa and the whole world. I have given Rose Petal to you as your mother to be able to guide you, to help you, to counsel you, and to protect you from the attacks of the evil one.
My child Rose Petal does not need to be pouring water upon you. She is heavenly chosen as an exorcist to command and to chase the evil one, demons. She uses water because of the lack of faith that is in many of your hearts. She has been given a lot of graces and blessings for My children for these end times. But for you to get them, you have to be sincere to her and above all to be sincere to God and to Me, and to the Saints in heaven and Angels. My children, I want to ask you to change for the best if you have to go to heaven through this mission which is the Mission of God. If you do not see her role, and what she is in this mission, then My children you are blind, in truth. She is the mission, because without Rose Petal you have no mission, and there would not be a mission if she is not there. And that is according to the Divine Will of God. She is more than what you see with your naked eyes.
In this community nothing unclean should come to it. Anything that is not holy should not be brought to this house and to this compound. And all those who are coming for prayers, in the future, you must go for confession before you come for the prayers so that you come to the prayers when you are spiritually prepared. Those who cannot do confession because of some reasons, then you will have to talk with My child Rose Petal. And when you are here, reverence should be seen, this is a Holy Ground.
As I have said, I wanted to explain a bit of My Divine Son in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar.
My children you know who is in this house, and when you know, I want you to behave well, to give respect and reverence to My Divine Son Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament here. And My Son is suffering so much in the hands of My son priests and also the faithful who are in the Catholic Church, those who are baptized, by the way you are handling the body and blood of My Divine Son Jesus. It is a grievous sin, and I say this as the Mother of God, for My Divine Son’s body and blood to be handled on these filthy and dirty hands in all the churches in the world. And lowering My Divine Son Jesus, His Divinity, making Him, His body and blood like an ordinary bread; the Holy Eucharist is Divine, it is Holy. It must be handled with reverence by all creatures, all My son priests in the Catholic Church. And those who touch My Son’s body and blood, unworthily, receives a condemnation and a judgment when he leaves this world or when she leaves this world. And these days you cannot kneel to My Divine Son Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament? You are standing like “stooges”, people who are mentally sick who do not know what and whom they are receiving?
And these restrictions to My children of light and many others that they cannot kneel, then whom are they supposed to kneel to if not to My Divine Son Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament of the Altar?
You kneel even to your kings, earthly kings, what about My Divine Son Jesus. For how long are you going to continue to persecute Him? He has already suffered enough and My children of light , you should not pretend. When you are in the church for Mass, you are to protect the Body and Blood of My Divine Son Jesus, if truly you are My children, the Marians. Those who have heard My Voice about the Holy Eucharist and you have even left the Mission, you have gone to the church to persecute Him, you will see Him, the One that you have persecuted and ridiculed when you are on this earth.
Give honor, and reverence to My Divine Son Jesus in the Most Holy Eucharist. And if you cannot receive Him kneeling, and from My Son Priests, then DON’T receive Him from unworthy people who will be leading you on the way to perdition.
And that’s why the whole world is suffering the way it is suffering because of the abuse they have to My Divine Son Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. You are going to be chastised and suffer a lot until you will do what is right, My children, in this world. My Divine Son Jesus has died for you and risen from the dead, and He suffered so much and He is still suffering in the hands of His own, My son priests, who are doing what they should not do, and are mistreating and mishandling My Divine Son Jesus.
I have said and I repeat again, they will look at Him, Whom they are rejecting, Whom they are abusing and to Whom they have allowed the children who are baptized in His name to receive Him unworthily!
And nobody else should give the Holy Eucharist, except a priest whose hands have been consecrated by My Divine Son Jesus in the sacrament of Priesthood.
Even My flowers – the nuns, they should STOP trying to be priests because they have not been consecrated. And if this happens, this will be the great abomination at the center of the church, and then you will be able to know the time has come, and you know you will be able to witness the abomination in the Holy Place. And you know when that happens then, all is done. You should then wait for My Divine Son Jesus in peace. Do not go where you are going to abuse My Divine Son Jesus, or where He is abused.
My children of light, the Body and Blood of My Divine Son Jesus is NOT “chapatti”. My Son is not like ordinary bread, He is Divine, His Holy, and His the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity, to Whom at the end of your lives, He will be the Just Judge, and you will look at Him , Whom you have continued to crucify in this world.
I love you My children, and I am happy to have come, but I am not very happy, because of what I have already told you. I love you and I am here with you.
I bless you for your efforts, and I bless all those who have worked for the welfare of this community. For those who have prayed for the community, receive a lot of blessings, for yourselves and for your families, and especially for you to have been chosen to be a part of this community for this end time.
I love you, My child Rose Petal, and I love all My children of light who are with you, and who are here even today, I love you, and I also appreciate what you do. You will also be blessed for your efforts.
I bless you My children, for now, always and forever more, promising you that I will be always at your side, so long as you remain faithful and truthful to Me, and especially to My Divine Son Jesus, and to My child Rose Petal, because this community is heavenly, it’s not a personal thing. But she is given to take charge and to lead the mission, so that the children of light will have a place to come to, especially the chosen ones, because the sieving is about to come to an end.
I bless you again, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen. †
I love you My children. At this time graces are here for you to take, after this, things are going to be very tough, to such an extent, that some of you will wish that you were not born.
I love you and I bless you, in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen. †
In this mission, I have given many duties to different people; I ask you to adhere to the duties and assignments that I have given to you, those who have them treasure them, it’s through this, that you will be able to be purified and sanctified and be able to come straight to heaven.
In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost, Amen. †